Friday Vendredi 5 Juin 2015 F**k me im famous Party...why do we have dress up parties? the logical answer is it's part of a coordinated marketing strategy to appeal to a crowd with a sense of anarchy and chaos etc blah blah blah, but the real reason is we just love getting messy and dressing's ace! people get loose as and whole personalities change when they're wearing funny stuff, that shy dude in the corner transforms into hercules for a night, that librarian looking chick from Tyrosse turn into a slave driving vixen ... and it's fun watching it all go down and taking photos of the misbehaviour! Martin and Jess were sipping at the bar , we grabbed 'em and turned em into gladiator dudes with glitter shades and it was on like donkey kong. Everyone was freaking on Lysa tutu and Amelies fifth element steez, marvin the Hulk, Beber Merigaud dernier soir avant partir en Asie, Two face Royere, Tomas fear and loathing, Clem spent 7 hours in makeup for avitar (he bed sheets had to go in the bin), et comme d'hab a la fin les filles se battent pour le micro David P & Arthuuur // Contact: