Easter weekend Saturday / Samedi 4 April 15 2015...just when i was wondering when things would start getting busier we got our asses kicked this weekend (in a good way)...Saturday was madness Sparta Style...les gars de Gers (Gersiers?) en forme, et Alix m'a promis bcoup cadeaux...on vera..the aussies were in Bayonne eating ham and sinking red plonk before arriving all roused up and things went down hill from there....Andrew and Nick were in a particularly bad way the next morning...plus some German dude called Marc was blowing the roof off with his karaoke Black Eyed Peas thing.. then after closing the bad things started happening all over town...including my garden...but thats for another website, not a wholesome family place like this one....photos: David P // Contact: dave@dicks-sand-bar.com